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Green Energy Tips


Use natural cleaners:
Conventional all-purpose cleaners contribute to indoor air pollution and can irritate eyes and lungs. Instead, clean up with natural non-toxic products, all of which are equally effective and safe.

Light sensors: Inside install light switches with motion sensors or timers that turn off when the room is not in use. Use outdoor lights with a photocell unit or a motion sensor so they will turn on only at night or when someone is present.

Insulate your hot water heater:
Take a quick trip to the hardware store or home improvement store for a hot water insulation kit to wrap your water heater and save on water heating costs.

Use a programmable thermostat:
Programmable thermostats automatically adjust the temperature of your home while you are away and while you are sleeping, allowing you to reduce the temperature when appropriate.

Replace traditional lightbulbs with CFLs and LEDs:
Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs use about 75% less energy than standard incandescent bulbs and last up to 10 times longer. If every American home
replaced just one light bulb with an ENERGY STAR qualified bulb, we would save enough energy to light more than 3 million homes for a year.

Seal and insulate your home:
Sealing and insulating your home will improve comfort and reduce heating and cooling costs. To improve the “envelope” of your home, add insulation, seal air leaks, and choose energy efficient windows if you are in the market for new windows.

Maintain the right temperature in your refrigerator and freezer:
Refrigerators can use up to 20 percent of total electricity in your home. The refrigerator should be set between 38-42° F, the freeze between 0-5° F.

Wash clothes in cold water:
With today’s cold temperature detergents, most modern clothing cleans just as well in cold water. Wash in cold water on economy cycles and always have a full load.

Take advantage of incentives and rebates:
Check with your local utility to see what incentives or rebates are available for the purchase of energy efficient appliances, lighting or heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems and renewable energy technologies.

Install low -flow toilets:
New low-flow or dual-flush toilets save a considerable amount of water.These new toilets can cut your expenditure for flushing in half or more.

Upgrade old appliances with EnergyStar models:
Energy-efficient models can reduce energyconsumption by up to half.

Efficient irrigation can save 30-50% on a water bill. This step includes using automatic rain gauges to avoid over-watering, and irrigating in early morning hours when less water evaporates.Install a rain barrel to collect runoff from downspouts using that water for container plants and gardens. Use drought tolerant plants and grasses that use considerably less water once established.

Source: collected from “EnergyStar’s Home Improvement Tips”